A Team Dedicated To Student-Athlete Success
We are a team that is driven to push the boundaries of what is possible for our customers. We are committed to creating a clear pathway to academic eligibility for all student-athletes, while supporting high school administrators by saving them time, solving and measuring some of their most challenging problems.
Let's Work Together
Our team of former athletic directors, college athletes, school counselors, and college compliance officers is here to help. Connect with us to learn more about how to automate eligibility for your student-athlete, school, district, or club.
Helping Student-Athletes Reach Their Goals
Navigating A Path To College Sports
College & Career Coordinator Beth Arey has helped thousands of high school student-athletes navigate the complex path to college athletics.
From Academically Ineligible To A College Degree To The NFL
How identifying academic potential saved a student-athlete’s gridiron goals and inspired the start of Honest Game technology.
Helping Student-Athletes Win Big
The Skill Factory (TSF) attracts basketball players of all ages, providing them with learning environments and dedicated academic support.